Where I landed with tweeting old blog posts

Last week I posed the question of whether or not I should be tweeting out older blog posts. You can see the post and the discussion here.

I’ve landed in a few places on this. First, when I have a new post I’m going to tweet it in the morning (EST) and then tweet it later that same day. That way people on the east coast that miss it in the morning have a better chance to see it, and people on the west coast are more likely to be exposed to it. Since I usually tweet out a post around 8am EST, I’m guessing not many of my west coast friends are up at that point. This article helped me land at this solution.

Second, I’m going to try Tweet Old Post again. But I’m going to play with the settings to try to maximize the opportunity to get more exposure for past posts but also minimize the chance of annoying my more loyal readers. I think if I make the time period that it goes back shorter and the interval between posts longer, I can still drive more traffic and not over-do it. I think what was happening before is someone would see a tweet for a post, click on it and realize they had already read that post. But if I keep the time period around a month (meaning only posts within the last month will be tweeted), its less likely someone will forget that they read the post. At least that’s the hope.

We’ll see how it goes. Luckily I know I have some friends out there that will tell me if I’m annoying them with the older posts ;)



  1. julia cantor on September 12, 2011 at 5:07 pm

    This is something I’ve been thinking about often – looking forward to your results!

  2. Josh Milenthal on September 12, 2011 at 5:17 pm

    I’ve done exactly what you’re planning on doing. Set the interval time for 8 hours minimum, and the maximum age for a post to 10 days. Keeps things current.

    The problem I’ve found is that you need to post consistently…at least 4 days a week in order to avoid retweeting the same stuff over the course of ten days.

  3. Jeff Hilimire on September 12, 2011 at 5:48 pm

    Exactly JM, the key will be to blog consistently…a practice I’m looking forward to getting back in to.

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