Checking out this Mightybell app

I read this morning about a new service called Mightybell, which is Gina Bianchini’s new outfit. You might recognize her name as she was the former CEO of Ning.

My 1st Mightybell experience

Mightybell, which you can try to sign up for here but they may be out of early invitations, is described by Bianchini as being “…based on a simple idea, which is that you are what you do…People of action think big but break anything down into a series of small steps and you make anything doable.”

I love ideas like this. Allowing people to create content is obviously a great idea, but often times this content is mostly useless. In this case, people are creating step-by-step instructions for things they are passionate about. There are also some interesting ideas about analyzing the data created and monetizing it, but that sounds like its still in the works.

I did create an experience: 4 steps to being more confident at anything (based on this blog). Check it out and see what you think.


  1. Drew Hawkins on September 9, 2011 at 5:52 pm

    I ran across your tweet about this on my stream earlier. Seemed interesting. I’ve been reading Switch and the idea of breaking things into smaller pieces to make large changes is something they hammer into almost every example. Should be fun to play around with a digital version of this. 

  2. […] – My new favorite site, blogged about it recently. Not sure yet if I will need the app, its really a great web experience, but I’ll keep it as long […]

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