Social media = awesomesauce #parksandrec
Social media can be so many things that I often have a hard time defining it when asked. It’s not a stand alone channel. It really should be something that permeates every marketing objective you have.
There’s a scene in the greatest show on television, Parks and Recreation (what, you didn’t know it was the best show on television? Man up.), that goes like this (borrowed from this site):
…April spontaneously tells Andy that she loves him. Andy, in his own way, says he loves her too. Unfortunately, “I love you too” in Andyspeak is “Dude, shut up! That is awesome-sauce!” This causes an understandable rift until Ron F’ing Swanson clarifies the situation; as Andy endearingly explains, love is what makes “the sauce so awesome”.
Indeed, to Andy love is what makes the sauce so awesome.
So the next time someone asks me what the benefit of social is, or what the ROI of social is, or generally what my “philosophy” on social is, I’m going to say, “Dude, shut up! Social is awesome sauce. It’s what makes the sauce so awesome.“. Then I’m going to drop my imaginary mic and walk off the stage.
Bonus: Parks and Rec, being that its the best show on TV, also does a great job with digital and you can see an example of that here on Andy and April’s Awesome Sauce wedding site.
[…] keep saying it, Parks and Rec is the best comedy on TV. I recently mentioned Andy and April’s wedding + awesomesauce. […]