Calling all bloggers: Why do you blog?

To all my blogging friends, I’m very curious to know why you blog.  Blogging is a commitment.  It takes time and focus.  Likely most of you don’t get paid for it (if you do, love to hear about THAT!).  So its something you have to do outside of your job requirements. So why do you…

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Find your passion at work

I posted a while back about people with passion and why it’s always inspring to be around them.  And being passionate was one of my 12 keys to being excellent at anything.  I’m a big passion guy, for sure. I’ll be completely transparent on this point: in my new role at Engauge one of my…

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The new sharing feature on Instapaper is great

I’ve been talking about how much I like Instapaper for a little while now.  How Instapaper made my list of iPhone apps I loved in 2010, how Instapaper is different than Evernote, and how I finally got it to integrate with my Kindle. Now I’m excited because the recent changes to Instapaper have allowed you…

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Like most people, I’m always looking for ways to make sense of all the content that comes pouring my way.  It’s why I’m a huge Google Reader guy.  It’s why I’ve become a huge Instapaper guy.  And it’s why I really like Summify. Summify identifies the stories/articles across all your social networks that are the…

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