First Twitterview, check

I had a great time yesterday interviewing a friend of mine (@johangrundin) who oversees digital marketing for Saab.  We did the interview through Twitter (ahem, a “Twitterview” if you will) and it was such an interactive session.  I kicked it off with some of the standard questions and then the interview just really took its own shape, with people from all over the world (Johan is in Sweden) participating and asking questions.

It’s amazing what can happen when you open yourself up to new ways of interacting with people.  Twitter allows you to experience a “live web“, something I’ve talked about in the past, and opening up an interview to this type of interaction makes for something you never really could do before.

I’ll be getting together a summary of the session in an easier to read form, but if you’re interested in seeing the raw cut, its here (in reverse order of course).

I definitely plan on doing more of these…

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